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Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 6

Bare with me as I jump from the present and what mom is going through, back to the past and what got her to this place in life and possibly even the future and where we are headed for the sake of her health. 

Today was Day 6 of the radiation treatment.  The first week wasn't easy as moms pain tends to flare up after each day.  Its as much due to exhaustion as it is the cancer in her bones. By now mom had it down to a science.. arrive, change into gown, get warm blanket from the blanket microwave, chat with other ladies, one of which happens to work for the same agency as myself.  Small world!  Within a few short minutes and the ladies of the lab are asking mom her name and birthday.  Interestingly, mom's birthday was yesterday and the lady ahead of her each morning had a birthday today.  Crappy way to spend  a birthday! 

For fifteen minutes mom is laid on a table, adjusted and aligned perfectly so that the large machine can precisely blast away at her tumors.  Mom has three in total.  One in her sternum and two in her pelvic.  Fortunately the staff at the hospital are wonderful and very supportive.  The hardest part is getting mom to stay positive and optimistic.  Each day we're one more treatment closer to being done!

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